Reality Check

It's been almost a year since going to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. I've obviously not finished posting everything from that trip here, and much is happening currently. So this blog is now going to cover current events (at least the ones that are in my little corner of the universe) in nearly real-time.

If you discover any errors in my descriptions of the sites in Israel and Egypt, please feel free to leave a comment.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Suspense is Killing Me


We leave in two days, and I haven't even begun to pack. The pace is too hectic for that, so I'm trusting that I'll be able to pack on Thursday (the day we leave), after a morning dentist appointment and before we need to be in the taxicab at 1:00. Oh, and bringing the kids to their respective homes where they'll stay for the first day or two.

On top of everything else, tonight Mari told me our washing machine is broken and cannot be used, so if we want to wash any clothes, it's to the laundromat. I'll try to do without, since things are so tight I don't think I could squeeze one more thing in. I'll pack dirty clothes if I have to and wash them in Israel when we get there.

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