Reality Check

It's been almost a year since going to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. I've obviously not finished posting everything from that trip here, and much is happening currently. So this blog is now going to cover current events (at least the ones that are in my little corner of the universe) in nearly real-time.

If you discover any errors in my descriptions of the sites in Israel and Egypt, please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Rather than try to describe Petra in my own words, which would be entirely inadequate, I'll include a link to a Wikipedia article that describes it better than I could by far.

It really defies description anyway. You just have to go there to get the full impact.

Another thing to read is the book of Obadiah in the Bible, which addresses the futility of trusting in man's devices for protection instead of trusting in an all-powerful God as your fortress. If you are familiar with the Bible, specifically the two divergent lines of heritage left by Isaac's two sons Jacob and Esau, keep in mind that Edom is the land of Esau.

I'll leave it at that. The pictures linked to the one above have no captions, for two reasons. One, the articles linked will give you an overview, and two, I am too tired and it's past my bedtime.

Oh, and I just realized I missed some sites we went to the day before!! Dang! I'll have to post those next time, out of order.

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