Reality Check

It's been almost a year since going to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. I've obviously not finished posting everything from that trip here, and much is happening currently. So this blog is now going to cover current events (at least the ones that are in my little corner of the universe) in nearly real-time.

If you discover any errors in my descriptions of the sites in Israel and Egypt, please feel free to leave a comment.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is about photography

The last several months have found me struggling through the process of figuring out how my photography fits into my life. I've really tried to leave the process alone and just do what seems right, hoping in the meantime that the direction I'm supposed to take will become clear.

It's been a quiet struggle, mostly in my own mind. Mostly things have been going pretty well on most fronts, so I really can't complain. I've just not seen the progress I had hoped for in gaining financial ground through taking pictures. You know, money for photo gigs. It hasn't been happening.

What HAS been happening, though, is lots and lots of freebie photo gigs for church, which has been a great boon to one aspect of my photographic skills.

Since January, I've taken somewhere around 300 family and individual portraits for our church directory, which will be both in print and on the church website. This has involved going in early to the room set aside for this purpose, setting up a portable studio with lights and backdrop. Then, during about half an hour each Sunday, people line up, get their information updated for the directory, and get their picture taken. It's been a lot of fun, plus I've learned a thing or two about "production-line photography." It goes real fast, people smile, you shoot 'em, maybe two or three shots, show them the pictures, and they go away happy. Some have even bought prints. Because, after all, they are pretty good, if I do say so myself.

The Worship Band

I've also been photographing various classes and ministry scenes in the church, which images will also be considered for use on the website. Different kind of photography than portraits, but equally good at helping me sharpen my skills.

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