On the photography front, I've had bigger and better opportunities thrown my way. For example, Hannah Carmichael (nee Brown) recently agreed to let me shoot her in her wedding dress for a fun and free foto fest. Her mom, Diane, came along, as well as my daughter Rachael. We had a blast, and the pictures came out pretty good too. Here's one example:
But potentially bigger than that is a full-time photography position with my current employer, whose single staff photographer is getting ready to retire. I've been showing him stuff about digital workflows and he's been noticing my abilities. He's been telling upper management I should be his replacement when he retires. Then something unexpected happened. In December, he broke his kneecap in 5 pieces, and has been out getting fixed up and healing ever since. And who's been asked to fill the void? You guessed it - yours truly.
So we'll see what God has in store for that story. Stay tuned.
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