Reality Check

It's been almost a year since going to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. I've obviously not finished posting everything from that trip here, and much is happening currently. So this blog is now going to cover current events (at least the ones that are in my little corner of the universe) in nearly real-time.

If you discover any errors in my descriptions of the sites in Israel and Egypt, please feel free to leave a comment.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

All of a Sudden, I'm a Busy Photographer!



What's up with that? I don't get any paying photography jobs for several months, then suddenly I have almost more than I can handle. Senior portraits, an engagement session and a wedding, a product photography gig, a Bat Mitzvah, track meets, concerts and more! My prayers are being answered!


If this trend continues, by the grace of God, I'll be able to pay off some old bills that have been bringing me down for a while. And do some fun stuff with my family!

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