Where do I start? So much has happened. I've been getting some pretty major recognition as a photographer at my regular place of work, and it looks like the position of Chief Photographer, if it opens up after the current guy retires, is mine. That might sound presumptuous except for the fact that I filled in for him for three months while he recuperated from a knee injury, and have spent a bunch of time teaching him about digital workflows and post processing techniques. My name is definitely in the mix regarding a succession plan, that much is sure.
I got another two sessions done for the dance studio, doing the individual dancer portraits and the summer performance. All that went well, and some really nice images have come of it. And, on top of it, I got to do a headshot of a musician who has some pretty major credentials in the business, like he has toured with Earth, Wind and Fire. His name is Claude Woods, Jr. His photos came out nice. They'll probably be on his next album cover.